branding & word design



Word Design

Working on brands is working on words. Their purpose, their design, from strategy to creation, right up to implementation.



Key messages
Brand architecture
Communications plan



Naming & Nomenclature
Brand language



Brand voice guidelines
Brand Book
Writing workshops
Editorial direction
Brand implementation


Define, express and inspire. Three keywords to transform brands.

  • FEED.
  • MWM
  • TF1
  • WWF
  • EVE
  • MILLE 8
  • UMEN



How can a brand renew and express its leadership?

Arianespace is the uncontested leader in aerospace transportation, but it faces increased competition from newcomers. In order to renew the sector’s conventions and to convey its position as leader rather than asserting it, Arianespace has a new motto: Mission to success.

This is built on the company’s purpose, which is to accompany its partners in guaranteeing the success of their operations, and helping them make space the reason for a better life on Earth.

Work done:

– Audit and positioning
– Brand platform
– Baseline
– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand voice guidelines
– Communications plan
– Brand implementation



Bene Bono is the new name of Hors Normes, showing that making better food choices is beneficial to all.

Bene Bono is a grocery shopping service that delivers weekly boxes with products that come directly from farmers and producers. Fresh and tasty products discarded by supermarkets for being non-standard or in surplus. Food that would otherwise have been wasted.

A better approach to food, a boon for the planet. That’s the Bene Bono way.

Transform Awards 2023: Naming strategy (gold).

Work done:

– Naming strategy
– Naming



With new fields of intervention and first competitors emerging on its market, Citeo, the company tasked with recycling household packaging in France, needs to rethink the way it defines and presents itself.

A global reflection on the brand’s strategy has led to a new positioning, in the form of a promise: Citeo helps every consumer and every organization make the right choices for their packaging.

A positioning that allows the brand to address all its targets together (companies, local authorities, general public), that gives meaning to the company’s developments and that expresses a unique added value within the circular economy.

Work done:

– Branding and positioning
– Key messages
– Brand architecture
– Name creations (new services, programmes, etc.)



What positioning and brand architecture would it take to make B’twin the world leader in bicycles?

A great, unique brand, innovative and accessible, likeable and popular, where the individual is placed at the heart of its initiatives. A great brand for everyone, for every bike and for every use.

Its ambition: to make the bike man’s best friend.


Work done:

– Audit
– Positioning
– Brand architecture
– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand implementation



A niche brand for the initiated, Diptyque now extends from Boulevard Saint-Germain to the rest of the world.

How do you share the Diptyque spirit with these new audiences, especially digitally?

With a brand language that frees the imagination. A line for all communications to make the brand’s artistic identity universally accessible. An approach taking the opposite view of a category that usually describes perfumes with olfactory and sensual language.

Work done:

– Brand voice guidelines (French and English)
– Key vocabulary and nomenclature
– Training workshops
– Copywriting (social networks, customer relations, key brand texts, etc.)



Feed. A brand that’s made for intensity.

Offering everything you need to nourish yourself. Meal bars, meal drinks, healthy snacks…

How can Feed. assert its position as a leader in the booming smart-food category, when every brand says the same thing?

With a positioning, a personality, a nomenclature and a brand voice. That are all about intensity.

For an intense brand. To reach your goals.

To seize the moment. And live it to the max.


Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2020: Brand language (silver).

Work done:

-Brand personality and tone of voice



France Télévisions is facing a major revolution. Linear television was once the heart of a system which included digital offshoots, but it has now been overturned. How can a public television group continue to seduce and make its mark in a world of digital and self-serve content?

With a digital leap. A central brand which represents the entirety of the new digital ecosystem:

Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2018: Global brand design (Gold) and Grand Prize (in partnership with Movement for the visual identity).

Transform Awards 2019: Best brand evolution (highly commended).

Work done:

– Audit and positioning
– Brand architecture
– Naming
– Event taglines
– Brand implementation


Sharing "l'esprit Hermès"


How can the Maison Hermès create a connection with its public on social media?

Giving a voice to the Maison Hermès to inspire, intrigue and surprise, both in France and across the world.

With the ambition to write Hermès whilst remaining faithful to the centennial “Esprit” of the Maison, its craftsmen and its creations.

Work done:

– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand voice guidelines
– Cultural adaptation (French and English)
– Copywriting
– Editorial management


Put a smile on your face


How can a lifestyle brand of glasses differentiate itself in the world of fashion and eyewear, often very serious?

With a brand voice, and a name, which puts a smile on people’s faces. By always associating the product’s benefits to a positive expression. Going against the category standards. A brand voice applied to every point of contact, whatever the point of sale.


Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2018: Brand voice (Bronze)


Work done:

– Naming
– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand voice guidelines
– Brand implementation




The Moulin Rouge is much more than an emblematic show.

It is the spirit of Parisian revelry. It shares effervescent moments of joy. Now with a unique persona and language.


Work done:

– Key messages
– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Copywriting



How do you become the symbol of digital music?

With a symbolic and visual name: MWM represents the sine wave which is so emblematic of digital music, but also the heartbeat and emotions tied to this music.

The name is simple, which makes its visual properties stand out, no matter where it is written. MWM is also an acronym that can convey a description of the company and its key activities: Music World Media, Music We Make, Music We Mix…


Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2018: Naming (Silver)


Work done:

– Naming



Thanks to its expertise and innovative spirit, Nespresso creates unique coffee moments. Moments of pleasure, that elevate the coffee experience.

By sharing these special moments, Nespresso builds a relationship with its audience that’s both authentic and responsible. With a brand voice and names of products, services, and initiatives, that all bring to life Nespresso’s promise “to inspire tasteful and meaningful living”.

Work done:

– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand voice guidelines
– Cultural adaptation (English, French and Spanish)
– Copywriting for multiple formats, in multiple languages (product descriptions, website, social media, emailing campaigns, event taglines…)
– Writing workshops and tools
– Naming (O by Nespresso, Origin Collection, Vertuo Next, Vertuo Pop, Nespresso Atelier…)
– Brand implementation


Inspire like a leader


TF1 views the world with optimism, but how can the brand voice this optimism using more than just images?

By attributing the words of a visionary leader to the TV channel, with a tone of voice which adopts the stance of an inspirational leader and brings its content to life. A change from the media environment TF1 evolves in, focused on power and audience shares, towards a more emotional purpose.


Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2016: Brand voice
Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2019: Brand voice applied to company offices (gold)

Work done:

– Key messages
– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand voice guidelines
– Brand book
– Writing workshops
– Brand voice applied to company offices



For over a hundred years, Van Cleef & Arpels’s poetic creations have charmed the jewelry world.

Today, the Maison shares its enchanting vision with a wider audience. Through its digital environment, the Van Cleef & Arpels brand voice invites everyone into a delicate fairytale, authentic and refined. Step inside.

Work done:

– Brand strategy
– Key messages
– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand voice guidelines (French and English)
– Copywriting (emailing campaigns, website, social media…)



Vaonis is set to democratize space observation with new connected objects. But to talk about this new experience, it needs to find the right words.

First, by naming its innovation, the “observation stations”. Then by inviting everyone on a sensorial trip. Caught in between “acid pink winds” and “seashell constellations”, everyone can begin to feel the cosmos, and share their discoveries in a “travel journal”, as an explorer would. Each individual can explore space, thanks to Vaonis, which “takes people on a journey through space”.

Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2021: Brand voice (Gold)

Work done:

– Audit
– Key messages
– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Baseline
– Copywriting



WWF is instantly recognizable for its logo, the panda. But how can WWF be recognized through its words?

With a brand language centered on positive action, using imagery to address complex or sensitive subjects. A language that connects each of us to nature, so that everyone feels concerned.

Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2019: Brand language (Gold).

Work done:

– Audit
– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand voice guidelines
– Training workshops



With Andjoy, Sodexo enters the competitive market of online access to sports centers.

While the norm is to focus on performance, Andjoy chooses to go beyond, to speak of wellness, offering users the freedom to be well on their own terms. A unique shift in positioning embodied by a brand that places the user at the heart of each of its expressions.

Transform Awards 2020: Tone of voice (silver) and naming (highly commended)

Work done:

– Audit and positioning
– Brand platform
– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand voice guidelines
– Training workshops
– Naming and nomenclature



Hôtels Maurice Hurand, a family-owned hotel group present in Paris since 1909, were ready to write a new chapter in their history. Starting with a new brand for the group, capable of carrying their international ambitions. A brand that expresses their promise: an attention to each person, and their environment.

BIOGRAFY, a name that tells the stories of clients, of the hotel teams, of the family members, of the people and the storeowners in the hotels’ neighborhood… A name to make every communication a story.

Work done:

– Positioning
– Brand architecture
– Naming



Wintegreat, a start-up that gives new life to refugees’ professional projects, is at a turning point. To better express its role as a motor for all of society, Wintegreat needed a more explicit identity and voice.

With a promise first and foremost: to put everyone in motion. With a new, international name, reflecting its ambition: EachOne. And a brand voice that puts each one in motion.

Transform Awards 2021: Best naming strategy (Bronze).

Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2021: Naming (Gold).

Work done:

– Naming
– Brand voice
– Copywriting


A mattress to get off on the right foot


How can a start-up that has reinvented the business model for mattresses express its singularity on the French market?

By wishing its customers a “good day”. In a category that focuses on night-time, or on technical specifications, eve has a light, playful, tone, centered on the client, to show that all you need to have a good day, is a good night.


Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2017: Brand voice (Gold)


Work done:

– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand voice guidelines
– Website
– Advertising campaign



IGEFI is the oldest accounting school in France.

Today, the school is reaffirming its purpose with a new positioning. Anchoring itself in reality, IGEFI becomes a school for careers in corporate finance. With a central idea, real value.

When IGEFI speaks, it creates a link between its vision for the future and concrete elements of proof, all around one conviction: “believing in the value of each individual”.

Work done:

– Audit and positioning
– Brand platform
– Key messages
– Baseline and descriptor
– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand voice guidelines
– Copywriting


The brand for all transportation in Paris Region

As the Île-de-France (Paris Region) transportation market opened to competition, and operators were to multiply, a new brand was launched by the Region to create unity: Île-de-France Mobilités. What exactly is this new brand’s role, its relationship with its targets, its content? How should it coexist with the other transportation brands?

More than just a logo on buses or on metro maps, Île-de-France Mobilités is destined to become the brand of reference for all transportation in the region, a service brand embedded in everyday life. From brand platform to brand architecture, there was one guiding principle: the brand as a vector of simplification, at the service of the users.

Work done:

– Audit and positioning
– Brand platform
– Brand architecture
– Brand implementation




A new space for leisure and experience at the Arc 1800, a ski resort in the Alps.


Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2015: Naming (Honorable mention)



Work done:

– Positioning
– Naming




In a favorable context, SNCF is innovating and becoming the first in the world to offer low cost high speed rail transport.

To affirm the distinctiveness of this travel offer, a new brand has been created, Ouigo, backed by SNCF, a leader in quality and transparency.

Transparency is precisely the idea that guides the positioning of Ouigo. Using a simple, clear and colorful identity, the communication adopts a direct, informative and friendly tone.

Work done:

– Positioning
– Brand architecture
– Brand implementation



What technological name should we give to the new multimedia platform for Renault cars, connoting an intuitive and connected multimedia world?

R-link, a link between the R of “Renault” and of “road” (in both French and English), also sounding like a voice command in relation to the “air” (in French).

Work done:

– Brand voice audit
– Naming



How were we able to transform a technical ad serving supplier into a leading world player in innovation and service?

We started from the idea that the best service is to listen.

In a constantly-evolving sector, the brand undertakes to make listening and advising the core of all its activities, in order to always respond better to the needs and expectations of its clients. Since then, in this age of Big Data, Smart AdServer has not stopped innovating and asserting itself, as an alternative to Google/Double Click.

Work Done :

– Audit
– Positioning
– Brand architecture
– Communication strategy
– Brand implementation




Against the backdrop of the instant coffee giants, is there still space to offer a quality experience?

This is an invitation to go deep into the heart of the coffee terroirs at: Terres de café

A brand that gives coffee the grandeur it deserves.

Like wine, coffee can now be savoured in the Terres de café, right in the center of Paris.


Work done:

– Positioning
– Naming




Being more committed, more human. That is the promise made by Umen. A health insurance company with strong ties to its cooperative roots. Showing their investment through a human name, and a positive tone of voice.


Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2018: Naming (Bronze)


Work done:

– Consulting
– Naming
– Brand personality and tone of voice



Virbac is the brand that’s “shaping the future of animal health”.

To express its positioning and its unique people-oriented culture, it needed a distinctive voice.

The right voice and the right words for the teams, for the group’s communications and for the naming of the products.

Work done:

– Brand personality and tone of voice
– Brand voice guidelines
– Cultural adaptation (English and French)
– Copywriting
– Writing workshops
– Naming and nomenclature



Said and done.

ODAJE, an ode to joy

le 11-09-24

ODAJE, an ode to joy and to shoes. Shoes made with care for a positive impact, along with a positive outlook on life.

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In the words of Laurence Michelena

le 03-07-24

In the first episode of “In the Words of”, JOOSNABHAN invites Laurence Michelena to share the story of the Fondation Arc’s repositioning.

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Thank you to the Club des D.A.

le 07-06-24

JOOSNABHAN won two awards at the 55th edition of the Club des D.A. in the “Brand Design” categories for the naming of Cair and Monjour.

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Quiz Room, La Boîte à Questions – come on in!

le 14-05-24

JOOSNABHAN worked with Quiz Room on its Canadian expansion, to develop and adapt its name and brand language.

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Recycle, Reuse, Refurbish... ReNouveau.

le 30-04-24

The ReLove program by Nespresso changes its name to ReNouveau for the Canadian market, to give a second life to coffee machines.

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Great news from London!

le 23-04-24

We have won two Bronze at the Transform Awards 2024, in the “Tone of voice” and “Best Naming Strategy” categories.

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Enjoy the journey

le 19-03-24

A new positioning and brand identity for Global Blue, to take shopping further through the power of experience.

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le 18-01-24

We’re looking for consultant-copywriters that have both a passion for words and a strategic sensitivity to brand identities.
If you like playing around with brand ideas and translating them into words, or building brand identities, get in touch!

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Let the countdown for the Transform Awards begin…

le 16-01-24

JOOSNABHAN is shortlisted in two categories this year.

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My care, my moment, Monjour.

le 12-01-24

Healthy and respectful care products, for shared moments of well-being.

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This is HEVO...

le 05-12-23

The revolutionary technology of radial piston motor hydraulics by Poclain.

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Bish, Bash, Buzz!

le 30-10-23

With Quiz Room, feel the excitement of the moment with a tone of voice that takes you into the fun.

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Cair for your hair...

le 11-10-23

Naming a new kind of capillary art, for radiant hair.

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"Understand our times, make a difference"

le 08-06-23

It’s with great pride that we tackled the challenge of creating the English version of Sciences Po’s purpose.

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Bene name, Bono award!

le 23-03-23

And it’s a Gold for the name Bene Bono at the Transform Awards

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And we’re Transform Awards-bound!

le 10-01-23

Our work on Bene Bono has been shortlisted in the “Best Naming Strategy” category.

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The Bene Bono way

le 09-12-22

Hors Normes changes its name and becomes Bene Bono, offering fresh and tasty products saved from food waste. 

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And Pop!

le 21-10-22

JOOSNABHAN worked with Nespresso on the name of their new machine: Vertuo Pop

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This is Le Domaine...

le 10-10-22

The brand aiming to redefine skincare efficacy, co-founded by the Perrin Family and Brad Pitt. 

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AFISE becomes FHER

le 31-05-22

A new brand to better embody the sector’s commitment to security and efficacy, both for society and for the planet. By JOOSNABHAN

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« Nous partageons l’amour du cinéma »

le 17-05-22

JOOSNABHAN presents France Télévisions’ new tagline, to accompany all its film projects.

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A Guide to Political Slogans

le 11-05-22

Convincing millions of people in only a few words: that’s the art of a political slogan. In this article, JOOSNABHAN shares a few rules to help you make your own (article in French).

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From glaciers to the spring, and beyond…

le 31-03-22

JOOSNABHAN wins bronze at the Transform Awards our work on Eau de Lavey’s tone of voice.

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"each One: Our brand is what gives us long-term impact"​

le 23-02-22

What does it mean for a company to have an impact, and what role does its brand play?
We talked to Théo Scubla, co-founder of each One, about this. each One is a startup whose mission is to give new life to refugees’ professional projects. An occasion to discuss the creation of the name “each One”, a name by JOOSNABHAN. (interview in French)

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Welcome to the Edmond

le 28-01-22

The name of the Terrass’ Hotel’s new restaurant, which offers a different kind of dining experience and panoramic views of all of Paris.

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Epsor: headed towards employee savings

le 24-01-22

JOOSNABHAN accompanies Epsor with its rebranding, giving them a new dynamic and turning the brand into the reference for employee saving plans.

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Words to Play By

le 26-11-21

How national anthems in sport express identity.
Victoria Pullen, consultant and copywriter at JOOSNABHAN, looks at the words of national anthems and how they are tied to identity, serving both a rallying cry and as a way to question what a nation stands for.

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A Sporty Day

le 19-10-21

Metaphors and analogies are everywhere. Anatole Tomczak, copywriter and consultant at JOOSNABHAN, shows us how we live with them everyday. Even sitting at our desks, working from home, our days can be exercise. (article in French)

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Golden harvest at the Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2021

le 22-09-21

We’re very proud to have received two gold prizes at the Grand Prix Stratégies du design. One for naming, for each One and the other for Vaonis’s brand language. Thank you to the each One and Vaonis teams, and congratulations to the JOOSNABHAN team!

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Bronze at the Transform Awards

le 29-06-21

In the “Best Naming Strategy” category for our work on each One.

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Feed. On the move

le 24-09-20

Feed. wins silver at the Grand Prix Stratégies du Design

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Wintegreat becomes EachOne

le 16-06-20

New name, new tagline and new brand voice signed by JOOSNABHAN for a noble project.

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Two new prizes at the Transform Awards

le 04-03-20

JOOSNABHAN wins two prizes for our work on the naming and tone of voice of Andjoy.

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Naming, the inconvenient truth

le 02-03-20

What is your brand’s truth?
In this article, Pierre Nabhan shares his views on naming and the truth that lies at the heart of every brand.

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Biografy, a name that gives life to a hotel group

le 10-10-19

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Biografy, a rebranding of Hotels Maurice Hurand Group

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"Words come first to connect with the audience"

le 12-09-19

Pierre Nabhan talks to TV Finance about branding and word design (interview in French)

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What voice does your brand need?

le 28-08-19

Pierre Nabhan from JOOSNABHAN and Roscoe Williamson from MassiveMusic on giving voice to brands in the latest Creative Review issue

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The IAU has a new name

le 12-06-19

The IAU (l’Institut d’aménagement et d’urbanisme d’Île-de-France) becomes L’Institut Paris Region.

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IZIPIZI launches IZIPIZI Studio

le 30-04-19

A collection to express the brand’s creativity

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Two golds at the Grand Prix Stratégies du Design

le 18-04-19

Two prizes in the Brand Language category for our work on WWF and TF1

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Highly commended at the Transform Awards

le 29-03-19

For our work on

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A hundred years from now

le 22-03-19

Pierre Nabhan analyses what makes a lasting brand, and talks naming, for Transform Magazine.

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PeopleToPeople becomes We'll

le 13-03-19

We’re happy to have participated in this brand project and naming. Congratulations to the We’ll team!

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A new prize for

le 18-09-18

At the Grand Prix Stratégies for Corporate Communication

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Two new names for Eurovent

le 08-06-18

CoPilot and NEx, two names by JOOSNABHAN.

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JOOSNABHAN, Grand Prix Stratégies du Design 2018

le 05-04-18

Big night for JOOSNABHAN, the most award-winning agency at the 2018 “Grand Prix Stratégies du Design”.

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Do you speak Alexa or Bixby?

le 07-03-18

Voice assistants are a new frontier for brands. Pierre Nabhan explains (article in French)

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Now on all screens,'s new identity

le 06-02-18

New brand strategy by JOOSNABHAN.

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Total... Springs!

le 10-10-17

A new name by JOOSNABHAN

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DJiT becomes MWM - Music World Media

le 26-06-17

Excited and proud to have accompanied the MWM team in this change of name.

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See Concept becomes IZIPIZI

le 17-01-17

With the help of JOOSNABHAN

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The equestrian adventure has a name: EpiqE

le 01-06-16

A JOOSNABHAN creation, in partnership with Dragon Rouge.

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And the award goes to...

le 18-04-16

JOOSNABHAN, for our work on TF1’s brand language!

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Vive le Viving!

le 11-06-15

A new name for the French housing fairs, by JOOSNABHAN

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What is the future of branding?

le 13-10-14

Pierre Nabhan and Valentin Joos from JOOSNABHAN share a few ideas with Top/Com about brand language and word design, and its importance for brands’ identities and positioning

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Good news

le 01-10-14

SWEN, a name by JOOSNABHAN, was nominated for the 2014 Grand Prix Stratégies du design.

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Word design is key for brands

le 17-01-14

Pierre Nabhan from JOOSNABHAN talks about how essential word design is for a brand identity and the destiny of brands. Article in French.

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FontYou very much

le 03-10-13

… to the Grand Prix Stratégies du Design 2013. A name nominated in the “Naming” category, along with Shoptimise.

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

le 13-09-13

What is the meaning of this sentence and how can it contribute to word design? JOOSNABHAN shares their thoughts.

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Je LIKE beaucoup

le 25-08-13

Pierre Nabhan from JOOSNABHAN, explores how brand innovation is an essential driver of cultural brand language, and a creator of new cultural communities and words.

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Wazaaa Heita!

le 17-08-13

When we discovered the brand identity of 8ta, we at JOOSNABHAN were excited to know what was behind it and its brand name.

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Me gusta también!

le 12-08-13

JOOSNABHAN talks about the new name and logo of MEGA, a private Chilean TV network. Why is language so important for a brand and how can it affect its identity and relationship with the customer?

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Plus récents
Plus anciens
ODAJE, an ode to joy le 11-09-24

le 11-09-24

ODAJE, an ode to joy.

M. Moustache changes its name and becomes ODAJE. A name to embody the brand’s vision and evolutions, towards positive impact and sustainable fashion. ODAJE, an ode to joy (in French: “une ode à la joie”), to enjoy life with shoes made with care. Marked with an O, symbol of circularity.

We are very pleased to have helped the brand define its new positioning, change its name and find a new voice. Congratulations to the whole team, and a big shoutout to Thibault Repelin, Antoine Vigneron, Guillaume Alcan.

In the words of Laurence Michelena le 03-07-24

le 03-07-24

In the words of Laurence Michelena, of Fondation Arc :

“This repositioning paved the way towards aligning everyone internally behind the Foundation’s mission.”

In this first episode of “In the words of”, JOOSNABHAN invites Laurence Michelena to share the story of Fondation Arc, and how words have had an impact the brand, the company, the people. Let’s have a listen.

Thank you to the Club des D.A. le 07-06-24

le 07-06-24

We are pleased to announced that we won two Awards at the 55th edition of the Club des D.A. for the names Cair and Monjour.

Thank you very much to the Club des D.A. and Aaron Levin; to the Monjour teams: Manon Lombardet, Audrey Zazoui-Colliard; and to the teams at Cair: Flore des Robert, Pauline Laurent, Célia Desquaires.


Quiz Room, La Boîte à Questions – come on in! le 14-05-24

le 14-05-24

Quiz Room, La Boîte à Questions – come on in!

Congratulations to the Quiz Room team for your first opening in North America.

We’re very happy to continue our work on the global roll-out of the brand and brand voice. With openings and adaptations for Australia, Switzerland, Belgium, and now Canada… what will come next?

All the best to Tristan Quélin, Charles Babinet, Titiana Rannou-Carn, Théo BOUCHET and Mathilde Poxilène.

Recycle, Reuse, Refurbish... ReNouveau. le 30-04-24

le 30-04-24

ReLove by Nespresso goes to Canada under the name ReNouveau, to give a second life to pre-loved coffee machines. A sustainable and circular approach that goes hand in hand with Nespresso’s commitment to be a force for good.

We are delighted to have helped the Nespresso teams make an impact in Canada by adapting the name of this meaningful project. Thank you for trusting JOOSNABHAN, Blandine Ruf, Guidetti, Léna Beneventi, Mathieu Pigneur, Valentine Brux.

Place au RENOUVEAU : Nespresso entame le déploiement de son programme de circularité pour ses machines à café (Groupe CNW/Nestle Nespresso SA)

Great news from London! le 23-04-24

le 23-04-24

We’re delighted to have won two Bronze Awards at the Transform Awards 2024, in the “Best use of copy style or tone of voice” category for our work on Aircall, and “Best Naming Strategy (new name)” for Cair.

Thank you to the teams at Cair, Flore des Robert, Pauline Laurent, Célia Desquaires, and the teams at Aircall, Julie Fernandez, Kate Morgan, Lisa Vecchio, Gypsie Bloch for your trust. And a big thank you to the Transform magazine teams, Andrew Thomas, Jack Cousins, for selecting these two wonderful projects.

Enjoy the journey le 19-03-24

le 19-03-24

Enjoy the journey
with the new Global Blue.

We’re delighted to have helped the brand in its repositioning, as it sets out to bring value to every step of the shopping journey. With a vision at the heart: experience drives performance.

Congratulations to the Global Blue teams, and thank you, Virginie Alem and Marie Boyer, for trusting Artfeelsgood and JOOSNABHAN to help define Global Blue’s new branding, from its positioning and brand architecture to its tone of voice and visual identity.


le 18-01-24

Do you like to play around with brand ideas and translate them into words? Or play around with words to build brand identities? Would you like to work with the most exciting and prestigious brands, both in France and internationally?

If you combine a passion for words with a strategic sensitivity to brand identities, we’re looking for consultant-copywriters. Get in touch!

Let the countdown for the Transform Awards begin… le 16-01-24

le 16-01-24

Our work on Cair has been shortlisted in the “Best Naming Strategy” category, while Aircall’s tone of voice was shortlisted for “Best use of copy style or tone”.

Thank you to the Transform magazine jury and to the Cair and Aircall teams for your trust. Looking forward to hearing the results in April!

My care, my moment, Monjour. le 12-01-24

le 12-01-24

Poupon changes its name and becomes Monjour.

Monjour offers skincare products designed for the whole family. Its healthy and respectful products create shared moments of well-being, every day.

A name change that accompanies the expansion of the product range, from babies to children and parents.

This is HEVO... le 05-12-23

le 05-12-23

This is not a spaceship, this is HEVO.


The revolutionary technology of radial piston motor hydraulics by Poclain.

HEVO, as in Hydraulic Evolution. An innovation that will revolutionize the global market for off-road machines by optimizing the usage and consumption of motors, without compromise on power and reliability.

Congratulations to team Poclain! We are very proud to have worked with you in creating the HEVO brand and its language. All the best to HEVO!


Bish, Bash, Buzz! le 30-10-23

le 30-10-23

Bish, Bash, Buzz!

And just like that, you’re in the Quiz Room.

Now pick your team, grab your podium, and get ready to smash that buzzer!
Feel the excitement of the moment with a tone of voice that takes you inside the Quiz Room, and into the fun.
We’re proud to have defined Quiz Room’s repositioning and brand language, from Paris, all the way to Australia. As they say Down Under: the more quizzers, the merrier!

Cair for your hair... le 11-10-23

le 11-10-23

Cair for your hair, with a new minimalistic ritual and new reflexes for your hair.

We’re proud to have worked with Flore des Robert and Pauline Laurent, founders of La Bonne Brosse, to create the name Cair, for “Capillorum Ars IRradiantium”. A new capillary art, for radiant hair.

Congratulations to the team!



"Understand our times, make a difference" le 08-06-23

le 08-06-23

“Understand our times, make a difference”

It’s with great pride that we tackled the challenge of creating the English version of Sciences Po’s purpose. A meaningful message to the world and to the next generations.

Thank you to all the Sciences Po team for your trust.

Bene name, Bono award! le 23-03-23

le 23-03-23

Bene name, Bono award!

We’re excited to announce we have won Gold at the Transform Awards for creating the Bene Bono name.

Thank you to the Bene Bono team for your trust, we’re proud to have worked with you to make an impact.

And thank you Transform Magazine and members of the jury for selecting Bene Bono as the winner in the naming category. Until next year…

And we’re Transform Awards-bound! le 10-01-23

le 10-01-23

And we’re Transform Awards-bound!

For the 2023 edition, our work on Bene Bono has been shortlisted in the “Best Naming Strategy” category.

Looking forward to the results in March! Thanks to the Transform magazine award’s jury and congratulations to the Bene Bono team.

The Bene Bono way le 09-12-22

le 09-12-22

Hors Normes changes its name and becomes Bene Bono, offering fresh and tasty products saved from food waste.

Bene Bono is about “goodness”, under all its forms: beneficial products, that offer a bonus when you shop and help you make better choices for the planet.

JOOSNABHAN is very proud to have worked with Bene Bono on this name change.


Congratulations to the Bene Bono team. We wish you the Bene Bono best!

And Pop! le 21-10-22

le 21-10-22

With Vertuo Pop, Nespresso adds a splash of color to your coffee moments.

We’re delighted to see this new name come to life.

Congratulations to the Nespresso team on this project, and to the JOOSNABHAN team for this naming

Discover the video here.

This is Le Domaine... le 10-10-22

le 10-10-22

This is Le Domaine…

The brand aiming to redefine skincare efficacy, co-founded by the Perrin Family and Brad Pitt. 

We’re delighted to have defined its positioning and its unique value proposition, expressed in the words ’science and terroir’, referring to the brand’s authenticity. 

Along the way, we also crafted the brand’s tone of voice, including this manifesto exhibited in the middle of the beautiful nature at Miraval, from where Le Domaine originates.

Thank you to Le Domaine team and Lionel Massias for including JOOSNABHAN in this great project.


AFISE becomes FHER le 31-05-22

le 31-05-22

FHER (Fédération Hygiène et Entretien Responsable) is the new name of AFISE, the French representative for soaps, detergents and maintenance products. A new brand to better embody the sector’s commitment to security and efficacy, both for society and for the planet. This change allows the brand to highlight the fact that hygiene is essential, and contributes to improving our daily lives.

JOOSNABHAN is proud to have accompanied FHER on this project, working on the branding positioning, brand platform and name change. Congratulations to the FHER team for this momentous change

« Nous partageons l’amour du cinéma » le 17-05-22

le 17-05-22

Today, on the first day of the Cannes film festival, France Télévisions presents its new tagline: “Nous partageons l’amour du cinéma”.

A JOOSNABHAN tagline, designed to accompany all the group’s film projects: from film production to events, and for all screens, big or small.

A Guide to Political Slogans le 11-05-22

le 11-05-22

Petit guide du slogan politique


Convaincre des millions de personnes en seulement quelques mots, c’est tout l’art du slogan politique. En cette période électorale, tous les candidats s’adonnent à l’exercice, chacun maniant à sa façon cet instrument de conviction au moins aussi ancien que la démocratie athénienne.

Pour comprendre comment les slogans réussissent à frapper les esprits, nous avons posé la question à huit membres de l’équipe JOOSNABHAN. Huit experts des marques et des mots, basés dans cinq pays différents : Autriche, Espagne, France, Italie et Royaume-Uni. Ils ont tous répondu avec cinq slogans qui les ont marqués. Récents ou anciens, célèbres ou plus confidentiels, nous les avons analysés pour en comprendre les ficelles.

1. Faites court

Beaucoup de slogans politiques ne dépassent pas les trois mots. Les dernières élections américaines ont vu s’affronter le « Build Back Better » (Reconstruire, en mieux) de Joe Biden et le « Keep America Great » (Préserver la grandeur de l’Amérique) de Donald Trump. À l’échelle locale, les socialistes espagnols ont fait campagne pour la mairie de Madrid en 2021 avec ce slogan : « Hazlo por Madrid » (Fais-le pour Madrid), quand, aux élections municipales de 2020, Anne Hidalgo promettait : « Paris en commun ».

Les slogans d’un seul mot ne sont pas rares. Le parti au pouvoir au Québec, la CAQ, a remporté les législatives de 2018 avec ce mot : « Maintenant. » François Fillon, la primaire de 2016, avec un verbe : « Faire. » Quant à Barack Obama, il a été réélu en 2012 en lançant : « Forward! » (En avant).

La concision a une double utilité. D’abord, les slogans sont plus facilement retenus. Ensuite, faire court est une preuve d’efficacité : si l’on fait tenir une pensée en peu de mots, c’est que l’on est capable de résoudre la complexité.

2. Jouez avec le rythme et les sonorités

En 1952, Eisenhower remporte l’élection présidentielle avec le célèbre : « I like Ike » (J’aime Ike), qui repose sur l’assonance entre trois mots d’une seule syllabe. Slogan au son étrange, entre le bégaiement et le cri d’oiseau, inoubliable. Rien d’étonnant si, au moment de voter, plutôt que de cocher la case « Eisenhower » du bulletin, certains électeurs vont jusqu’à écrire son surnom : « Ike » dans la case vierge prévue à cet effet (la pratique du write-in candidate). Preuve que la musicalité d’un slogan peut participer à l’émergence d’un candidat, et à sa victoire.

On peut aussi penser de nouveau au « Build Back Better » de Joe Biden. Il associe rythme ternaire et allitération en B, produisant un effet de martèlement destiné à imprimer les mémoires.

3. Chantez !

Bien qu’ayant exercé le mandat le plus court de l’histoire des États-Unis, William Henry Harrison, neuvième président américain, est resté dans l’histoire pour sa campagne, la première à massivement utiliser une chanson. Tippecanoe and Tyler Too, c’est son titre, fait référence à la bataille de Tippecanoe, dont Harrison a été un héros, et à John Tyler, son co-listier. Le texte satirique encourage tout un chacun à le reprendre, et à y ajouter ses propres paroles. Empruntant sa mélodie à un air populaire, la chanson connaît un tel succès qu’elle est ensuite reprise comme slogan de campagne. Harrison est élu avec 80 % des voix.

Autres temps, même mécanique, quand, en 2017, le président du Venezuela Nicolas Maduro détourne le tube de l’été Despacito pour porter son programme politique. La reprise est critiquée par les auteurs de la chanson, mais permet à Nicolas Maduro de s’inscrire dans la culture populaire et de frapper les esprits. Il est finalement réélu.

4. Adressez-vous directement à votre public

Beaucoup de slogans de campagne sont écrits à l’impératif pour pousser à l’action. On l’a vu plus haut, en 2021, les socialistes espagnols enjoignaient : « Fais-le pour Madrid. » En 1948, les démocrates-chrétiens italiens s’adressaient au peuple en personnifiant la République, lui faisant dire : « Difendetemi! » (Défendez-moi).

En 2016, Hillary Clinton capte son auditoire avec un slogan à la première personne : « I’m with her » (Je suis avec elle), qui semble donner la parole à ses partisans et les impliquer à ses côtés dans la campagne. C’est le même effet fédérateur que devait viser Emmanuel Macron quand, aux dernières élections, il a fait évoluer son slogan en pleine campagne : « Avec vous » est devenu « Nous tous ».

5. Utilisez des images

En 1944, Franklin Roosevelt, seul président américain à avoir été élu plus de deux fois, vise un quatrième mandat. Son argument auprès des électeurs : l’importance d’une continuité politique alors que la guerre n’est pas terminée. Plutôt qu’un langage conceptuel, son slogan utilise une métaphore populaire : « Don’t change horses in midstream » (Ne changez pas de cheval au milieu du gué). Manière de toucher les esprits de manière sensible au lieu de s’adresser seulement à la raison, qui permet à Roosevelt d’être réélu.

À Vienne, lors des élections municipales de 2015, le parti écologiste promettait plus de justice sociale en scandant : « Bye Bye Miethai ». Un Miethai est littéralement un « requin des loyers », c’est- à-dire un propriétaire véreux, un marchand de sommeil. Les affiches accompagnant le slogan utilisaient la photo d’un sanguinaire requin blanc, redoublant l’effet de peur et de dérision suscité par la comparaison-caricature.

Toucher la corde sensible du public, c’est aussi ce que de Gaulle fait en 1965 quand il doit, pour la première fois, se faire élire au suffrage universel et donc faire campagne. Sur des affiches devenues célèbres, il représente la Ve République sous les traits d’une fillette qui supplie : « J’ai sept ans, laissez-moi grandir ». Une image qui provoque de l’empathie et positionne de Gaulle en protecteur de la République fragile.

6. Et, si vous n’avez toujours pas d’idées… recyclez !

Pour créer votre propre slogan, n’ayez pas peur de vous inspirer du passé voire de le copier. Avant d’arriver dans la bouche (et sur la casquette) de Donald Trump, « Make America Great Again » a été créé par Reagan en 1980, puis repris en 1992 par Clinton. Le slogan culte de Hoover : « A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage » (Un poulet dans chaque marmite, une voiture dans chaque garage), ayant eu une telle résonance en 1928, en pleine Grande Dépression, s’inspire d’une formule… du roi français Henri IV, qui annonçait : « Je ferai qu’il n’y aura point de laboureur en mon royaume qui n’ait une poule dans son pot. » La version américaine de la formule est aujourd’hui un dicton populaire aux États-Unis.

À vous maintenant de reprendre ces règles, de les tester, de vous les approprier… Pour faire vos débuts en politique !

Merci aux membres de l’équipe JOOSNABHAN : Annaëlle Ber, Victoria Pullen, Anatole Tomczak. 

Article publié pour la première fois par Stratégies.

From glaciers to the spring, and beyond… le 31-03-22

le 31-03-22

All the way to the Transform Awards.

JOOSNABHAN is proud to have won a bronze Transform Award in the “tone of voice” category for our work on Eau de Lavey.
Thank you Transform magazine and congratulations to the JOOSNABHAN and Eau de Lavey teams!

"each One: Our brand is what gives us long-term impact"​ le 23-02-22

le 23-02-22

Qu’est-ce qu’une entreprise à impact et que peut lui apporter sa marque ?

Nous avons eu l’occasion d’en parler avec Théo Scubla, co-fondateur de each One, start-up de la Social Tech dont la mission est de redonner vie aux projets professionnels des personnes réfugiées. Retour sur la création du nom « each One », créé par JOOSNABHAN.

JOOSNABHAN : Bonjour Théo, merci d’être avec nous aujourd’hui. Pour commencer, nous voulions parler des entreprises à impact. Ça veut dire quoi pour vous avoir un impact ? 

Théo Scubla : Aujourd’hui, de manière générale, les entreprises se doivent d’avoir un impact. Les plus grands défis de la société nous rattrapent, que ce soit le changement climatique, ou tout autre enjeu que l’on retrouve dans les Objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU. Ne pas prendre en compte ces enjeux, c’est se prendre les pieds dans le tapis, parce que nous

sommes tous interdépendants. Chez each One, par exemple, on a essayé de traiter le défi de la compréhension mutuelle. C’est-à-dire fonctionner avec les différences, être à la hauteur de l’enjeu de la migration, parce que quoi que l’on fasse, les migrations sont et seront là.

Avoir un impact a toujours été une nécessité. Si on revient à la source de l’entrepreneuriat, et qu’on pose la question : « C’est quoi, le projet d’entrepreneur ? », on voit que la définition première de l’entrepreneuriat, c’est d’avoir un impact sur la société, porter un projet, et façonner la société en répondant à un besoin. On a perdu cette définition basique du rôle de l’entrepreneur comme celui qui façonne la société. Le mot a été galvaudé, ramené simplement à l’acte de créer une entreprise. La démarche d’entrepreneur est une démarche de création, mais aussi de liberté. Donc elle impose, elle responsabilise.

Quel rôle doit jouer la marque pour une entreprise à impact ? 

Les marques ont toujours eu un impact. Positif ou négatif. Simplement, aujourd’hui, l’époque nous rappelle que nous sommes responsables, et nous force à nous demander : comment est-ce que je peux avoir un impact positif ?

La force de la marque, c’est que ce n’est pas un mot qui vit tout seul, par la volonté d’une seule personne. La marque est partagée, collective. Une marque, fondamentalement, porte un projet. Et derrière ce projet, il y a des humains. La marque est un socle partagé par plus d’une personne, qui doit s’ancrer dans un mouvement. C’est très important, parce que l’utilité d’une marque doit dépasser les fondateurs, l’origine, pour pouvoir durer dans le temps.

Chez each One, notre marque est ce qui nous permet de nous inscrire dans le temps. C’est notre socle, qui porte notre système de valeurs et nos principes d’action, et fait référence de la manière la plus immédiate possible à ce que nous faisons concrètement, donc à notre impact.

Quand on a décidé de se renommer each One, si on se sentait si bien dans nos chaussures, c’est parce qu’on s’est dit : each One est un nom qui exprime à la fois ce que nous faisons et ce que nous voulons faire. Il faut toujours garder cette tension entre d’une part l’ambition de son projet, une ambition à très long terme, abreuvée par une vision, et d’autre part ce que le projet a déjà eu comme impact. Pour moi, c’était ça each One. Ça faisait la synthèse entre ce que nous étions et ce que nous avions fait, ce que nous faisions au présent, et ce que nous souhaitions faire.

En quoi each One, votre nouveau nom, vous a-t-il été utile ?

Le jour où vous nous avez présenté each One, nous savions au fond de nous que ça allait devenir ça, parce que nous étions déjà à l’aise avec. On a vu que la marque était la bonne parce qu’elle disait déjà plus que ce qu’on avait pu dire. Elle nous rassemblait. Elle rassemblait bien sûr ce qu’on pensait de la marque, mais elle a aussi rassemblé l’équipe autour de la marque. Ça a été une évidence pour tout le monde. On se reconnaissait dedans.

« each One », ce n’est rien d’autre que le projet porté par l’entreprise. Le nom raconte la capacité de révéler la valeur de chacun, de tenir compte des intérêts de chacun dans le processus d’inclusion. On ne veut pas prendre le débat comme un débat sans frais sur une question de bénéficiaires, mais plutôt revenir à l’humain. Parce que « chacun », c’est bien sûr chaque personne que l’on accompagne. Mais c’est aussi chaque partie prenante, car chaque individu a un rôle à jouer. La marque sert à révéler, et c’est ce qu’on cherchait avec each One. C’est le nom qui révélait le mieux notre vision.

Réciproquement, notre vision nous permet d’expliciter, de dérouler, de décliner le mot each One. each One agit comme le titre d’un livre, donne une couleur, et derrière, il faut le  développer, le faire parler. C’est tout ça que ça nous apporte.

Aujourd’hui, avec each One, on voit qu’on engage plus facilement dans notre projet, parce que c’est plus facile de faire le lien entre le premier regard qu’on a de nous et tout le discours derrière.

La marque vous permet donc de vous projeter ?

La marque a ouvert un espace flexible. Un espace à l’intérieur duquel on est toujours chez nous, mais qui comprend plein de déclinaisons et de nuances possibles. Reste que pour en arriver là, on a mis des années, parce qu’il fallait déjà comprendre qui nous étions.

C’est un nom qui avait du sens au début, et qui continue à avoir toujours plus de sens tous les jours. C’est presque comme si le nom évoluait avec nous, ou nous évoluons avec le nom. Il gagne en profondeur et en pouvoir d’évocation chaque jour. C’est très impressionnant d’avoir réussi ça.

Pour nous, la marque rend visible le renversement que l’on souhaite opérer. Elle nous aide à rendre visible quelque chose qui n’était pas considéré. Des personnes qui n’étaient pas vues pour la valeur qu’elles peuvent apporter commencent à l’être grâce à each One.


Propos recueillis par Pierre Nabhan et Victoria Pullen

Welcome to the Edmond le 28-01-22

le 28-01-22

The Terrass’ Hotel’s new restaurant offers a different kind of dining experience and panoramic views of all of Paris.

Its name is Edmond: a name that goes back to the roots of the Terrass’ Hotel and traditional French cuisine.

Very happy to have accompanied the Biografy team and Terrass’ Hotel in this brand creation.

Epsor: headed towards employee savings le 24-01-22

le 24-01-22

JOOSNABHAN is very proud to have helped Epsor with its rebranding, giving them a new dynamic and turning the brand into the reference for employee saving plans.

A brand that reconciles performance and transparency, tailor-made advice, and pedagogy to guide employees in their savings journey and give each of them the means to make the right decisions.

Thank you and congratulations to the Epsor and Artfeelsgood teams for this project.

Words to Play By le 26-11-21

le 26-11-21

Words to Play By: How national anthems in sport express identity

Sports are essential, community-building events, and more than just entertainment. Defending a team can create a real sense of identity amongst its fans, building on shared emotions and collective victories. These moments contribute to strengthen a nation’s place brand. This is especially the case during international events, when entire countries come together to support their athletes.  Uniforms, flags and national anthems become key symbols for a nation or city’s place brand.

What’s in a symbol?

The national symbols used in sports competitions are essential to identify the teams. By appropriating these symbols for themselves, athletes become representatives of the nation, and are therefore expected to embody this shared identity. One symbol in particular stands out: the national anthem. Sung before matches, it is often a solemn moment, where the players and the supporters commune in their common pride for their country. It is an extremely powerful element, with music and lyrics that are meant to represent what a nation stands for. Using it before games crystallises the shared national unity that is already fostered by sports events. As such, the anthem has also become a symbol of an athlete’s perceived respect of the country they represent.

Singing is believing

The close link between sports teams and national identity explains why the use of anthems at sports events often echo ongoing debates around what it means to belong to a nation, and how to express that identity. In early 2021 for example, the Dallas Mavericks NBA team chose to stop playing the United States’ national anthem before games. This was motivated by the fact that an increasing number of players from the Mavericks felt that the anthem did not represent them, thereby questioning the role of this symbol in constructing a common identity. More generally, it coincided with a larger, nation-wide reflection on the significance of the anthem and the history of the country. The decision created enough controversy for the NBA to issue a statement in February 2021 requiring all teams to play the national anthem before games.

A similar event occurred in 2010, before the football World Cup, concerning the German team. Fans and observers debated the fact that some players were not singing the anthem before games. For some, this raised questions regarding their national pride and patriotism, and thus their capacity to represent the nation. At a time when the team was becoming increasingly diverse, the debate quickly moved towards larger issues of national identity and racism. This led to a PR effort from the team, where players were able to reassure the public of their patriotism, regardless of whether they sung the anthem or not.
Athletes singing their national anthem is so clearly seen as representative of national pride and identity that it can lead to embarrassing situations. Like when one patriotic English fan criticised the Spanish team on Twitter for never singing their national anthem during the Euro 2020 football competition – before being ridiculed online for not realising Spain is one of the few nations in the world whose anthem does not have lyrics.

May the best anthem win

Sport events can drive wider national conversations on the identity of a country by questioning the use of a national anthem. In some cases, they can also influence the symbol itself, shaping what a country considers its national anthem. This is the case for Scotland. Officially part of the United Kingdom, the national anthem of Scotland is technically “God Save the Queen” and was sung before football matches until the late 1970s. However, many Scottish supporters did not identify with the anthem, and the team needed to distinguish itself from the England team before matches between the two countries. As such, two contenders emerged to replace it: “Scotland the Brave” for football matches and “Flower of Scotland” for rugby matches. Today, “Flower of Scotland” is the most popular choice, with football matches switching to this anthem in 1993, and the Commonwealth Games changing from “Scotland the Brave” to “Flower of Scotland” in 2010.

The popularity of “Flower of Scotland” has spread beyond just sporting events though. It is considered by many to be the unofficial anthem for Scotland: in a 2006 poll, 41% of respondents chose it as the preferred option for the national anthem. There have even been petitions to the Scottish Parliament to make it the official anthem, although these have been rejected as the subject is not a political priority.

And yet, “Flower of Scotland” has not escaped criticism either. Some object to its slow tempo, but the main reproach pertains to its lyrics. It recounts a battle in which Scotland defeated England and established its status as an independent nation; and has been accused of being too aggressive and jingoistic. As such, these critics do not feel like the song accurately reflects the country. They believe Scotland needs a better anthem to cement their national identity. As “Flower of Scotland” is used increasingly at sporting events, and gains speed as the country’s unofficial anthem, the country still does not have an official anthem.


The words sung by players before international events have consequences beyond the world of sports. These events are a place where people come together to celebrate a shared identity, and they offer important occasions to question national symbols and their meaning. This is especially true for national anthems, and more specifically, the words they use. As is often the case, words are at the heart of building identity. Beyond sports, they define who we are and how we present ourselves. Which is why it is essential to choose the right ones.


Article by Victoria Pullen. Originally published by Transform Magazine

A Sporty Day le 19-10-21

le 19-10-21

Cette journée s’annonce sportive.

Un marathon de conf-calls toute la matinée, trois présentations à tomber, c’est sûr, je vais suer.

Après un petit-déjeuner au pas de course, je prends position face à l’ordinateur, dans les starting-blocks. Ce n’est pas mon galop d’essai et je n’ai, pour ce premier meeting, que des bonnes nouvelles à présenter : dopées par le confinement, les ventes de ma marque de joggings battent des records. À moi la médaille d’or.

9 heures 35, tout le monde est connecté, le coup d’envoi est donné. Je me lance, mais Internet rame. Faux départ. Grâce à mon collègue qui prend le relai, je réussis à remonter en selle. Nous finissons par marquer des points.

13 heures, l’heure de penser au ravitaillement. Celui-ci aura lieu à domicile car le chronomètre continue de tourner. Cette matinée n’était qu’un échauffement en comparaison de l’épreuve qui m’attend maintenant : appeler ma mère, championne du monde de coups en dessous de la ceinture. Elle démarre sur les chapeaux de roue en accusant mon père de perdre les pédales. Je m’escrime à la calmer, mais la dispute escalade. Je déteste devoir jouer les arbitres entre eux. Dring ! Sauvé par le gong, le livreur Deliveroo. Aïe, ils ont oublié le paris-brest. Le livreur renvoie la balle au restaurant, qui botte en touche.

14 heures, il faut changer de braquet. Surfant sur le succès de ce matin, je compte bien transformer l’essai. 17 heures, petite pause technique. Les enfants de retour de l’école, il faut faire le grand écart entre eux et le travail. Je suis à deux doigts de jeter l’éponge. 18 heures, dernière ligne droite. Au prix de quelques acrobaties, et en évitant les tacles de mon directeur, j’arrive au bout de cet ultime round de réunions. “J’avais placé la barre haut, me dit-il, mais vous avez fait un grand chelem.”

Assis sur ma chaise dont je n’ai pas bougé de la journée, je me dis que ce soir, je me couche tôt : je suis KO.


Anatole Tomczak. Retrouver l’article sur Stratégies.

Golden harvest at the Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2021 le 22-09-21

le 22-09-21

JOOSNABHAN has won two prizes at the Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2021 in the “naming” and “brand language” categories.

For the naming category, we worked with each One on their brand name. A name that’s also an insight, and that reminds us that each person has value. each One helps refugees reveal their potential by accompanying them in their professional projects. Their new name, “each One”, is a manifesto that speaks directly to each individual, encouraging them to participate and make a difference. A simple name, that reminds us of a truth we sometimes forget: everyone, whatever their origins or their history, has value. And when each person reveals their value, all of society benefits. An insight at the heart of each One’s project.

Alongside Vaonis, we developed a brand language that accompanies the startup’s ambition: to make space observation easily accessible. With a language that lets people embark on a “space odyssey”, so that everyone can live the sensorial and emotional experience offered by Vaonis. A journey through space with “observation stations” and a “travel journal” to discover celestial objects. Vaonis’ space odyssey opens the door to encounters with “nebulas made of acid pink winds and electric green shadows” and “seashell” constellations. All aboard.

Bronze at the Transform Awards le 29-06-21

le 29-06-21

Such great news, we’re very proud to have won bronze for “Best naming strategy” at the Transform Awards 2021 for our work on each One.

each One is not only a name, it is a manifesto: each one of us has the power to change the world.

Congratulations to the each One and JOOSNABHAN teams, and thank you Transform! Until next year

Feed. On the move le 24-09-20

le 24-09-20

We are delighted to have won silver in the brand language category for our work on Feed.’s tone of voice at the Grand Prix Stratégies du Design.

Congrats to the Feed. and JOOSNABHAN teams for their work!


Wintegreat becomes EachOne le 16-06-20

le 16-06-20

We are proud to have participated in this new name, with a new tagline and new brand voice, for such a noble project.

Because each and every one of us can make society move.

Congratulations to the whole team, EachOne and JOOSNABHAN!

Two new prizes at the Transform Awards le 04-03-20

le 04-03-20

We’re delighted to announce two Transform Awards for our work with Andjoy!

Silver in Best use of Tone of Voice and Highly Commended in Best Naming Strategy.

Thanks to the jury, and congratulations to the whole Andjoy and JOOSNABHAN teams.

’Til next year, Transform – magazine, ’til next year…

Naming, the inconvenient truth le 02-03-20

le 02-03-20

What’s your truth? The truth about your company, your people, your world. At a time when every brand’s purpose is under the spotlight, when the only question is ‘why?’ Everybody is looking for the truth. But the truth is not easy. As the New York Times puts it, “The truth is hard;” hard to find, and hard to say.

It’s for the same reasons that brand naming is so hard. Because you have to express a truth. A truth that is at the heart of your brand, in one or two words. It’s not about legal or cultural concerns, which can be excuses for creating useless names. It’s about opening a door to the most intimate part of your brand.

The problem is, truth has different faces. And in an era of post-truth and fake news, people doubt everything, brands included. But the truth does exist and there are brilliant examples of brand names that show it.

It all starts with the insight. That singular idea a brand has to stick to in everything it says and does until it dies or changes. In other words, until it’s no longer relevant.

One of the most beautiful and longlasting brand names based on an insight is ‘Gap’ originally ‘the Gap.’ Only a few know or care about where the name comes from. Even though it’s one of the main reasons it stands the test of time. It holds the truth of a young couple from California, who realised in 1969 that there was a ‘gap’ between the way their generation behaved and the way their parents’ generation behaved. The truth is: a gap between generations.

Problems arise when you try to superficially avoid or change the truth. BP became Beyond Petroleum by changing the meaning of its acronym. This didn’t change the reality of its activities. This is the case when your brand is based on invented needs, such as Joon, a subsidiary of the airline Air France, that was created to address the expectations of the Millennial generation. It was a name introduced as a metaphor for being ‘jeune’ – young in French – echoing Millennials’ ages as well as the month of June, evoking renewal. It was shut down a year after its launch. Millennials didn’t have the needs that Joon was trying to answer.

If you don’t seek your brand truth, it’ll impact your naming process and ultimately the value and usefulness of your brand name. It sounds simple, but the truth comes in many different forms, and choices have to be made.

Food for thought: Brand names that fit tangible attributes, such as, the French national television network, now digital.
Brand names built upon a shared belief which can be experienced like US telecom network Sprint. It had better be fast and never fail you. Brand names coherent with a whole universe as with Beats. It’s all about the music. Brand names based on social concepts or trends such as Extinction Rebellion; based on the idea of civil disobedience, expressed as rebellion.

In the end, the problem for companies is as inconvenient as it is simple. What is your truth? A truth your brand name should have the courage to tell. That’s true naming.

Pierre Nabhan is the co-founder of JOOSNABHAN

Original article here

Biografy, a name that gives life to a hotel group le 10-10-19

le 10-10-19

JOOSNABHAN is thrilled to announce the launch of Biografy, the rebranding of Hotels Maurice Hurand Group. They have been bringing hotels to life for the past hundred years. Here is their story.

Very proud to have created this name.

Thank you to the Shan team, and wishing all the best to Biografy!

"Words come first to connect with the audience" le 12-09-19

le 12-09-19

For a brand to define itself, to express itself and to connect with its audience, it needs the right words, useful words. Words that create value.

This morning, Pierre Nabhan was invited on TV Finance to speak about JOOSNABHAN’s craft: branding and word design. Find out more here (interview in French)

Thank you Boursorama for your warm welcome!

What voice does your brand need? le 28-08-19

le 28-08-19

Brands today need not only a clear visual identity, but an aural one too.

But how is this best achieved?

CR speaks to Roscoe Williamson, Head of Branding at MassiveMusic London and Pierre Nabhan of branding agency JoosNabhan for some expert advice

Read the article here.

The IAU has a new name le 12-06-19

le 12-06-19

The IAU (l’Institut d’aménagement et d’urbanisme d’Île-de-France) is opening up to new audiences, new departments, a new future whether in France or worldwide…

By becoming: L’Institut Paris Region.

Congratulations to the whole team at L’Institut!

Very glad to have contributed to this big step forward in the evolution of your brand.

IZIPIZI launches IZIPIZI Studio le 30-04-19

le 30-04-19

IZIPIZI launches IZIPIZI Studio, a collection that lets the brand express its creativity, freely.

JOOSNABHAN is very glad to have participated in the naming of this brand.

Two golds at the Grand Prix Stratégies du Design le 18-04-19

le 18-04-19

A huge thank you to the Grand Prix Strategies du Design jury for JOOSNABHAN’s two golds in the Brand Language category.

Congratulations to the WWF and TF1 teams! JOOSNABHAN is proud to have worked on these projects.

Take a look at the presentation videos here: for WWF and TF1.


Highly commended at the Transform Awards le 29-03-19

le 29-03-19

Very pleased to have been Highly commended last night at the Transform Awards for

Congratulations to the France Télévisions and JOOSNABHAN teams.

See you next year!

A hundred years from now le 22-03-19

le 22-03-19

Brands can live hundreds of years – like Colgate, established in 1873, or glassmaker LaRochère in 1475 – and during a brand’s lifetime, everything is possible. Merger, spin-off, scandal, collapse… There are highs and lows, and in the end, only those who adapt survive. But what does it mean to adapt when you’re a brand?

Brands serve a purpose.

A brand is an idea in people’s mind; an idea with a purpose driving people and businesses; an idea that sometimes need to adapt and change its identity.

When Dunkin’ Donuts dropped the ‘Donuts’ to simply go with Dunkin’ it was adapting to real life. People come in as much for coffee and sandwiches as they do for donuts. The name had to reflect this. The brand had to adapt.

But brand evolution can also go wrong, such as with Weight Watchers. When the company rebranded towards a new promise, ‘Wellness that Works,’ with a new brand name WW, the bottom line was a stock value decrease of 30%. Was the stretch towards a broad category such as wellness still purposeful to the brand audiences?

Brands evolve for a reason.

You don’t change your brand because you want to, but because you have to. There’s usually a problem that branding and design can solve. The evolution of FranceTelevisions towards reflects an insight in action. It starts with a question, “How do you adapt to the new consumption habits of video content?’ especially when you’re the French national TV network and have to remain institutional. You stay the same, but differently. You go beyond television towards an online platform. You go from more than 30 brands to one touchpoint: with all your brand architecture and nomenclature following. You adapt to the digital era and category, staying true to who you are.

Change or be changed.

Some can argue that a brand has to engage a change in people’s habits, versus brands who adapt to new behaviors. Both are true, but they don’t occur at the same time. Creating a brand involves taking risks. Ford is the textbook case and is emblematic, creating a car rather than a cart with more horses. But more often than not, brands adapt. Another textbook case is Apple’s original insight that the machine has to adapt to people and not the opposite.

It all goes back to a simple fact: branding happens in people’s mind. When people change their minds, you have to change your brand. You adapt to make sure you’ll still be there in 100 years.

Pierre Nabhan – JOOSNABHAN Co-founder
Article originally published by Transform Magazine

PeopleToPeople becomes We'll le 13-03-19

le 13-03-19

We’re happy to have participated in this brand project and naming. Congratulations to the We’ll team!

JOOSNABHAN worked on a new name, a new brand strategy and manifesto, and the brand launch for We’ll.

A new prize for le 18-09-18

le 18-09-18

Gold prize for at the Grand Prix Stratégies for Corporate Communication.

Proud of the JOOSNABHAN team for their work on new brand personality and brand architecture for France Télévision.

Two new names for Eurovent le 08-06-18

le 08-06-18

Whether you’re piloting a construction project or searching for excellence, Eurovent is right there by your side. With CoPilot and NEx (Nature of Excellence), two names JOOSNABHAN is proud to have created

JOOSNABHAN is more than happy to have worked on a naming project for Eurovent, and to have created the names CoPilot and NEx for the company’s new services.

JOOSNABHAN, Grand Prix Stratégies du Design 2018 le 05-04-18

le 05-04-18

Grand Prix Stratégies du Design 2018

The team is proud to have won the Grand Prix for

As well as silver for MWM and bronze for uMEn in naming

And bronze for IZIPIZI in brand language

Thank you to all our clients for their trust and their daring

And bravo to the JOOSNABHAN team!

See you next year

Do you speak Alexa or Bixby? le 07-03-18

le 07-03-18

Hi Bixby, Ok Google, Dis Siri, Alexa… L’heure est aux assistants vocaux et autres machines connectées, et tous s’accordent à dire que c’est l’avenir. Mais au-delà de la course à la tech, il y a un enjeu de marque, et pas des moindres. Créer de la préférence pour être présent dans notre quotidien, jusque dans notre langage.

Langage de marque, saison deux

Il y a quelques années nous parlions du rôle clé des mots pour rendre une marque différente, reconnaissable et préférée. En bref, créer de la valeur. Rappelons-nous entre autres les fameux « Like, share, tag, poke…» de Facebook, ou encore « Volluto, Arpeggio, Roma…» de Nespresso. Aujourd’hui un nouveau chapitre s’ouvre avec l’essor des assistants virtuels. Au-delà de leurs services et fonctionnalités sur-mesure, il y a une opportunité de créer de la préférence, avec les mots. Nous n’en sommes qu’aux prémices, et pourtant on compte déjà des centaines de chatbots de marque plus ou moins efficaces et d’ici 2020, 75% des foyers américains devraient être équipés d’un assistant vocal (Sources 2017 -Gartner, Edison Research). D’ores et déjà, pour 65% des utilisateurs, impossible de revenir à une vie sans assistant.

Afin d’émerger, c’est en grande partie aux mots que revient le pouvoir de différenciation et de valorisation des assistants qui nous entourent. Des mots, ciment de l’expérience utilisateur et au fondement de l’identité de ces assistants : avec un nom (Alexa, Siri, Cortana…), une personnalité, un ton, des injonctions (Dis Siri, Hey Google…), des réponses inattendues, des histoires… A priori une simple poignée de consonnes et de voyelles, mais comme toujours, l’arbre qui cache la forêt de la guerre des marques.

Des personnalités qui demandent à être connues

Un assistant virtuel c’est une marque avec sa propre identité. Et celle-ci est devenue indispensable à notre monde connecté. À la question très générale « les assistants sont-ils utiles ? » plus besoin de faire d’étude : de l’information, au social, commercial ou divertissement… ils répondent à tous les besoins, data à l’appui, en proposant de nouveaux usages et expériences. Mais à utilité égale certaines marques ont d’ores et déjà compris qu’il fallait ajouter un supplément d’âme. De la marque à forte personnalité. 
Qui n’a jamais profité des réponses à contre-pied de Siri : « Dis Siri, quel est le sens de la vie ? Je ne sais pas mais je crois qu’il y a une app pour ça », « Siri, dis un poème ? Les roses sont rouges, les violettes sont bleues. Vous n’avez rien de mieux à faire ? » ou encore dans un style urbain le rap d’Alexa « Alexa can you rap? Connect sync link all the pieces of your life… I’m the player, the coach, the arena, the game…» jusqu’à l’extrême dilettante bot Poncho « Sorry, I was trying to charge my phone. What are you trying to say? ».

Inutile ? Pas pour 66% des utilisateurs qui attendent de leur assistant qu’il les divertisse (Edison research) à la manière d’Alexa l’urbaine ou de Siri le taquin. Pour émerger et créer un lien affectif, indissociable des services et expériences fonctionnels, la clé du succès est d’avoir sa propre identité avec sa personnalité, son ton, son langage et bien sûr quelque chose à dire. Pas d’identité, pas de différence. Et adieu la bataille pour devenir l’assistant préféré de la planète. Ça mérite de se poser cinq minutes.

Parlons amour

Quel langage allons-nous tous parler tous les jours avec les machines qui nous entourent ? L’histoire montre que notre langue naturelle évolue et s’enrichie constamment. De « week-end » et « burn out » à « googler » ou « twitter ». Ce phénomène se présente entre autres quand un nouvel usage apparait, mais que le mot manque. C’est le cas pour les nouveaux usages que proposent les assistants qui nous entourent. Notre parler avec les machines doit ainsi être hybride avec trois dimensions à considérer pour s’imposer : la norme, les singularités, l’usage. D’abord la norme.
La langue naturelle que les machines doivent comprendre et parler avec leur utilisateur. A priori celle de chaque utilisateur (français, anglais, espagnol etc). Ce qui permet aux machines de répondre à des commandes fonctionnelles du type : « cherche un restaurant à proximité de » « monte le son » « appelle le dernier numéro » etc. Ainsi chaque assistant peut apporter les services pour lesquels il a été conçu, contrat de base de l’expérience utilisateur. Pas de lien avec une identité de marque, a priori.

Ce qui nous amène au deuxième point, les singularités. Ce langage naturel, il faut lui apporter des singularités. L’âme de la machine. Avec un certain nombre d’éléments liés à l’identité des assistants et qu’il faut façonner : la personnalité, le ton, la grammaire, les messages, le vocabulaire. Tout ceci sans oublier de créer les mots que les utilisateurs doivent s’approprier : le nom de l’assistant, les injonctions, mots clés etc. Ces éléments représentent une dimension plus émotionnelle qui permettra aux assistants d’exprimer leur différence, leur singularité. Pour créer une connexion affective avec leur utilisateur et rendre l’expérience moins générique. Mais aucun de ces éléments ne vaut sans l’usage. Une fois la norme et les singularités partagées, plus un utilisateur sollicitera sa machine, plus il sera exposé à ses mots et sa personnalité, autrement dit à son identité. La clé de voute donc, multiplier les interactions, utiles et jamais si futiles. D’une demande d’info à une demande de rap, de poème, voire raconter une histoire, de marque. Tout ça à l’épreuve du temps. De cette manière les occasions de faire de nos assistants nos nouveaux meilleur(e)s ami(e)s, et plus si affinité, seront légion. Autant d’opportunités pour entretenir une relation, très intime. Ça rappelle un film avec Joaquin Phoenix : Her…
 Et vous, quelle langue parlez-vous ?

Pierre Nabhan – Co-Fondateur JOOSNABHAN

Now on all screens,'s new identity le 06-02-18

le 06-02-18

Brand strategy, architecture and naming by JOOSNABHAN.

Congratulations to the France Télévisions and MOVEMENT PARIS teams for the visual identity!

Total... Springs! le 10-10-17

le 10-10-17

With Total Spring, green energy takes a big leap forward

Congratulations to the whole Total Spring team for the launch of this new offer

A name and a brand language signed JOOSNABHAN

DJiT becomes MWM - Music World Media le 26-06-17

le 26-06-17

DJIT becomes MWM: the French rising star of the digital music industry.

Excited and proud to have accompanied the MWM team in this name change.


See Concept becomes IZIPIZI le 17-01-17

le 17-01-17

See Concept changes names with the help of JOOSNABHAN, becoming IZIPIZI.

With IZIPIZI, 2017 will certainly be easy.

The equestrian adventure has a name: EpiqE le 01-06-16

le 01-06-16

Epiqe, a name that spells adventure and emotion in the world of horse racing.

A name that places horse races back in the heart of the French, for a brand that brings together everything related to equestrian racing under a single brand.

A JOOSNABHAN creation, in partnership with Dragon Rouge.

And the award goes to... le 18-04-16

le 18-04-16

JOOSNABHAN’s work on TF1’s Brand Language has been awarded gold at the Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2016.

We are proud to have worked on a tone of voice filled with optimism, and defining the key messages that distinguish the brand from the rest.

Congrats to the entire team!

Vive le Viving! le 11-06-15

le 11-06-15

The French housing fairs change their name to offer a new approach to live housing, inviting to live and to celebrate a new inspiring and positive way of life.


What is the future of branding? le 13-10-14

le 13-10-14

Une langue disparaît tous les quinze jours. Avec elle, ce sont bien plus que des mots qui s’envolent, c’est une manière de voir et de penser le monde qui s’efface au profit d’une langue plus forte, plus utilisée.
Mais quel rapport avec les marques ?
Dans le monde des marques, il y a aussi des cultures dominantes qui prennent le dessus avec leur propre langage et ainsi leur propre identité. Aujourd’hui, le lexique en usage dans le monde de l’entreprise est l’anglo-américain ; dans la pub et le design, quel que soit le support et la catégorie, on y parle le plus souvent le Orange, le Apple, le Michel & Augustin ou le Facebook. Est-ce une fatalité et qu’en sera-t-il demain ?
Créer des langages spécifiques pour les marques, les faire vivre et ainsi assurer la pérennité d’un positionnement et d’une identité, c’est tout l’enjeu du word design. En exprimant d’abord l’esprit d’une marque, ses fondamentaux stratégiques, puis en parlant et façonnant ce langage avec ses publics, sur tous ses points de contact, partout dans le monde.
Demain, le word design sera une formidable opportunité pour les marques qui veulent pérenniser leur positionnement et proposer un langage naturel qui façonne une manière de voir le quotidien et d’agir. Un levier supplémentaire pour faire vivre leur différence.

Pierre Nabhan, Valentin Joos – Co-Fondateurs JOOSNABHAN

Good news le 01-10-14

le 01-10-14

SWEN, a name by JOOSNABHAN, was nominated for the 2014 Grand Prix Stratégies du design.

A big thank you to the team.

Word design is key for brands le 17-01-14

le 17-01-14

Si quelques grandes marques ont d’ores et déjà compris l’importance de designer leurs mots, à l’instar d’Orange ou de Disney, c’est parce que cette démarche change la manière de créer et d’incarner les marques. Une démarche qui façonne la perception et la relation avec les publics, qui crée des cultures et contribue à la valeur de marque. Un passage obligé pour l’avenir des marques.

“Like, Tag, Poke, Comment, Share”…

À l’heure du tout visuel, il ne suffit parfois que de quelques mots voire, d’un seul signe de ponctuation #, pour être instantanément reconnaissable. Des mots ou signes, a priori totalement génériques et qui jouent pourtant un rôle clé dans l’identité des marques.

Facebook fait partie de ces marques qui ont su en tirer profit grâce à une logique simple : idée de marque, langage identitaire, applications utiles.
Une approche design.

Quand la marque déclare “Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.”, le design (dessein de la marque) et le rôle des mots sont énoncés : donner le pouvoir, connecter et partager, notamment avec l’utilisation des verbes “Like, Comment, Share…”.

Des mots justement choisis, car ils donnent vie à l’idée de marque et à la culture Facebook. Des mots qui reflètent la réalité des comportements et correspondent à des actions spécifiques. Désormais, chaque fois qu’une marque utilise le Like, c’est à Facebook que l’on pense. Merci pour la pub.

Mais réfléchir à l’utilité et travailler la plastique des mots pour quoi faire ?

De la pratique du naming, nous passons désormais à une discipline plus large qui englobe l’identité verbale des marques.

Pour s’approprier un territoire : Nespresso parle de grands crus et nomme ses cafés avec des consonances italiennes Volutto, Arpeggio, Roma… suggérant la qualité et l’authenticité.

Pour changer les comportements : Apple nous dit toujours Think different avec un ton amical et des explications qui se concentrent sur l’usage et les bénéfices au lieu de la technique.

Pour vivre une expérience innovante : “Ok Glass !” deviendra bientôt le cri de ralliement d’un nouveau type de “Search” grâce aux Google Glass.

“J’ai pas le wording, mais tu vois l’idée”.

C’est une guerre silencieuse qui est en marche. Une guerre contre le Wording qui masque l’absence d’idée, quand il s’agit d’écrire pour remplir, ou encore pour trouver l’accroche du moment qui s’oublie aussitôt. Autant de mots qui ne participent pas à construire une identité pérenne, relayée et vécue par les publics.

Il ne s’agit plus d’écrire mieux ou moins, mais désormais de produire tout un univers verbal dont quelques mots ou expressions seront repris par les publics et deviendront symboliques de la marque. Des mots qui accompagneront les comportements et feront vivre l’expérience de marque : “Venez comme vous êtes” !

Cette guerre silencieuse est aussi celle de la propriété.

Si les actions juridiques semblent prendre de l’ampleur, le Word design va jouer un vrai rôle pour contourner cette logique de judiciarisation excessive, notamment concernant des mots génériques.
À l’image de Facebook qui se bat pour déposer le “mur/wall”.

Mais qui d’autre que Facebook peut utiliser le Wall sans faire référence à cette même marque ? Qui d’autre que Michel&Augustin peut s’étendre sur le territoire du parler enfant et gourmand ? Qui d’autre que Monoprix peut rendre le quotidien moins quotidien, en détournant les noms de ses produits ?

C’est dans ce nouveau contexte que le Word design doit jouer tout son rôle. Plus un langage sera identitaire, plus il fera référence à la marque d’origine et lui sera donc naturellement attribué.
Pour faire la différence, être utile.

Pierre Nabhan – Co-Fondateur JOOSNABHAN

En savoir plus:

FontYou very much le 03-10-13

le 03-10-13

FontYou and Shoptimise nominated in the “Naming” category by the Grand Prix Stratégies du design 2013.

Two names by JOOSNABHAN.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog le 13-09-13

le 13-09-13

If you work in design you surely have heard, if not designed, this sentence, at least once.
It’s called a pangram – a sentence using all 26 letters of the alphabet – and it’s used to show how a typeface looks like.
This pangram is the most famous one, but surely not the only one. Hundreds of them can be found in various languages.
In English, their common point, besides having surrealistic evocations, is one recurring adjective “quick” as well as the adverb “quickly”.

So what’s all the fuss about speed? What links a “quick gloved jab”, a “quick frozen valium”, a “quick zephyrs blow”, a “quick jive form” and the notorious “quick brown fox” ?
Is speed a key component of the alphabet, of pangrams, of typefaces?

The etymology of “quick” tells us that this adjective gives “life” to something. Do these five letters, out of 26, have a special power on the rest of the pangrams? Is it the key word that gives life to pronunciation as well as typeface design?

To find out about this I asked a few designers about these quick and lively questions:
“It’s not for nothing that the word ‘quick’ gives so much points when playing crosswords” Johanna Roca answered. It’s hard to insert in the same sentence a “q” and a “k”; therefore “quick” appears to be the perfect word for this.
Memorability and impact is also “de rigueur”. A lot of pangrams can be found on the web but few try to evoke something.
“When showing a typeface in a witty way, that is readable, it will have more impact” Johanna added.
To choose a typeface, clients should therefore be able to evaluate the readability of it, naturally. So why not having a sentence that makes sense, something serious? Because, the shorter the better and the catchier the more memorable it will be.
If it’s assumed that typography can modulate the tone of a text, it is less obvious to think that the message has as much impact on typography.
In a nutshell, Pangrams give life to typography.

So, next time you have to create and sell typography, write it using a witty pangram, if no reaction is perceived, just drop your typeface for another one. If it triggers a positive reaction, you’re on the right way towards a successful design.
illustration – Jean-Paul Lehfeld

Je LIKE beaucoup le 25-08-13

le 25-08-13

Yesterday morning I received a text message from a friend sharing her thoughts on a music album, signing up with “Je Like beaucoup”, which would be equivalent to “I aime a lot”.
Sounds peculiar, but also sounds good to know that someone shares your taste, doesn’t it?
As a Facebook user, my first reference was the social network application “to like” a post, a comment etc. Then, as a branding addict, this line also got me thinking about how brand innovation can create cultural words. About how much just a few words can enter the language, worldwide, and become one of the most iconic elements of a brand.
If we take Facebook, the two or three iconic brand words are the famous Like/Tag/Poke. But let’s be clear right away. When we say iconic, it means that these words have become emblematic of an action that is clearly visualized in the mind. Such clearness takes the floor over the conventional word, to become the new way of expressing yourself and therefore acting. But, and this but is very important, this language pattern modification seems to mostly happen to non-english speakers.
To put it in simple words, if you like a picture, in real life, you’ll naturally say “I like it”, but if you like a picture in real French life you’ll say “elle me plait” and not “Je like beaucoup”. And that’s exactly where brand language can play its part.
In Facebook case, the language and action pattern, related to the feeling of “liking” has slipped from the virtual world into the everyday life. The consequences are therefore a modification of language and mental representation.
If in real life I say “je like beaucoup” your picture, a burger, the latest movie and so on, I’m not only expressing my opinion or approving somebody else’s taste, I’m pressing a virtual button saying to my audience that we are connected, just by speaking the Facebook language.
I’m sure all of you remember the famous Youtube video about “Facebook in real life”, well it happens in real life.
The key lesson to learn from Facebook language is a creative scheme that can allow any brand to create real life community users on an international basis.
The scheme is simple: Innovate, name, get international.
Innovate, because you’ll work on people behavior and mental schemes. You’ll identify the patterns that you’ll be using for branding. Identification will allow you to use these patterns as they are, or exploit them to modify behaviors through new hardware or software applications, as the Facebook “like” button is.
Second stage, Name. Put words on these patterns and applications to bring out the related actions and therefore modify the perception of these actions. Naturally the modifications should be related to the brand positioning. Also knowing that these modifications will come from the last part of the scheme.
Finally, get international to enter the language and culture. If your language of origin is English, the percentage of behavioral and perception shift will be weaker if you just focus on English speaking countries. The reason is simple; people learn more foreign words than local ones, mostly if these words are part of new trends and innovations. As an example, most of the 150 new words of the 2011 French dictionary were either English based such as “Pop-up” or invented words related to trends such as “Adulescent” or brands as “Google”.
To put it simply, an essential driver of cultural brand language is brand innovation. In order to build a cultural community of speakers, you’ll therefore need simple but essential components:
Identify behavioral patterns and the wording they have today.
Define a clear brand positioning that will help to innovate.
Create innovative applications, both soft and hard innovations.
Identify how to name your innovations in relation to your brand positioning and patterns. Make sure the applications names are action focused.
Test them in different languages through storytelling and real life experiences.
Validate or change.
Launch and listen to how your brand language will now spread into everyday life.
It’s now time for a petit brainstorming, pourquoi pas !?

Pierre Nabhan – Co-Founder JOOSNABHAN

Wazaaa Heita! le 17-08-13

le 17-08-13

8ta is a mobile service launched last October by Telkom in South-Africa. When we discovered the identity we were all excited to know what was behind this 8ta number. That’s when we started to have communication issues…
8ta design idea has everything a look & feel could want: clever naming, nice and friendly typeface, a lively pink dot out of the blue, and this “ta” reminding Homer Simpson getting pissed off.
According to 8ta launch campaign, the brand name is pronounced Heita, slang for Hi in South-Africa. From a naming point of view the execution is really smart even though saying hello in the telecommunication world is not new – “Oi” in Brazil or Orange messaging using “hello” – but it surely brings something fresh on the South-African market.
8ta pleases the eye, but when it comes to language it looks like someone got confused. How do you pronounce this brand? The TV commercials, that are quite entertaining, worked on this dilemma, linking the logo with its pronunciation. But the print campaign was messier, just using the “Heita” word with this soundless pink dot in a totally different look & feel than the one on 8ta website.

Despite its visual strength, the pink dot creates confusion when it comes to typing the right web address. Pronouncing the name is also an issue when you never heard it before; even more when your products are not named the same – “8ta prepaid” and others “8.ta starter pack”.
We often hear that new brands need to be iconic; with a pink dot? Isn’t 8ta naming and potential language clever enough to make this brand iconic?

Even though using numbers for telephone brand names has long been done, as 9telecom or all the 118 numbers in France, 8ta still has some room to play with its number or slang language.

Why does the promotion campaign inviting people to “be one of the first million 8ta customers to get free minutes for life” doesn’t invite every 8th customer instead? Every 8th would become the new 1st.

I admit it’s easy to snipe something you wished you could have done, I confess. But the 8ta identity raises criticism regarding language. Not only because it could create a real nomenclature and communication based on an everyday language; but mostly because neither clients nor the general public can really play with the brand, just joking with it, making it theirs to communicate with, as slang is made to be. 8ta has everything to become the Bud “Wazaa!!” of telecommunication, so we hope they’ll make this brand more than a nice logotype, a brand people can communicate with.

Me gusta también! le 12-08-13

le 12-08-13

We recently came across the new logo of MEGA, a private Chilean TV network. MEGA was first introduced as Megavision (in October 1990) for the pleasure of all the Chileans. And the new MEGA identity, “I like” facebookers would say, but not the kaleidoscopic design, reminding the Melbourne logo, rather the way an old TV network became the people’s network with a playful language.
The more people and customers can “talk the brand”, the more the brand says “I’m yours”; and MEGA new identity is all theirs.
MEGA, rather ME GA, is a world of voices saying Me, mine and “Me gusta” (I like it). The fact that ME GustA has all the MEGA letters is another source of rejoice. It contributes to give meaning to this 80’s, 90’s, type of brand name focusing on performance; a time when we had the words Max and Power all over.
For this reason, the identity shift is interesting to note (the new identity was released in October 2010). It makes the brand more up to date as a new meaning is designed using a language approach.
As opposed to 8ta (we talked about in a previous post) MEGA started to develop a coherent messaging to show how people could talk the brand and spread the word; From the brand name, to the product and services.
To promote the iphone version “ME conecta, ME gusta. Entérate aqui” (I connect myself, I like it. Discover it here)

Or to stay close to the program grid “ME acompana” (it follows me)

One question, though. Did the agency have these ideas before or after visually splitting the name in ME GA? Before would mean the copywriter was smart to create a language and not just a name, after would mean the designer had a great intuition putting back to work the copywriter.
In both case it helped to create an interesting verbal identity, not the most developed one yet, but one that gives a depth to the brand, that is nice to see, to hear and playful to use, Claro que me gusta!
And here is the logo generic

Me gusta también !

Team & network

A passion for brands, the craft of words, a design culture, and an international approach… To shape and adapt brands, JOOSNABHAN relies on its teams in Paris and Manchester, as well as its own international network.

  • Pierre Nabhan Cofounder
  • Valentin Joos Cofounder
  • Johanna Dahan Associate Managing Director
  • Annaëlle Ber Consulting Naming Language
  • Lissandre Parat Consulting Naming Language
  • Victoria Pullen Consulting Naming Language
  • Anatole Tomczak Consulting Naming Language




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